Cali Hitt

Associate, Junior Designer

Western Carolina University

Interior Design Assistant Cali Hitt joined Court Atkins Group in 2017 after earning her BS in interior design at Western Carolina University, where she minored in art and spent time abroad in Italy and Greece. Cali’s previous experience includes assisting Design Associates in Wrightsville Beach, NC, and she hopes to bring a fresh perspective to client selections to showcase their individual personalities and styles. In her free time, Cali enjoys tending to her vegetable and flower garden and taking her dogs for walks.

Describe your process:  Every project starts with concept imagery. Finding images that speak to the client, and then working towards creating a space that gives them the same feeling and aesthetic that those images portray. It is a balance of creativity and organization to pull all of the details together.

Quote relevant to your work life:  “We shape our homes and then our homes shape us.” – Winston Churchill

What is that life changing song or album:  Candles by Daughter

Who is the best movie villain:  Scar from the Lion King

What is the next thing on your bucket list:  Cross country road trip

Where would you relocate if you were forced to leave the country:  Somewhere in Central America, but most likely Costa Rica